Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day Five - And Another Five Films

I don't want to say I'm feeling like I'm living GROUNDHOGS DAY (the movie), but each morning is turning into a kind of nice routine. The alarm goes off, I look around my turn of the century room in the bed and breakfast and think: movies today. Lots of movies. Not complaining...well maybe I am because out of five films, only one was worth seeing and hoping it gets the light of day it deserves. Let me start with that one - which was the last of the day.

Watermark. These are two images from the phenomenal documentary that travels all over the world looking at how we use and abuse water. The filmmakers worked with a world renown photographer and the mixture of still and live is breathtaking. This film must see the light of day in theatres!
 Third Person. A movie I wanted to love - Paul Haggis (Crash) directing Liam Neeson, Mila Kunis, Adrien Brody in a mash up of a bunch of unhappy

people following similar tragedies. Set in Paris, Rome & New York.

Qissa. Wow, I was not prepared for this mythological Indian film. One of my favorite actors (Irrfan Khan) stars as a patriarch of a family that has had to rebuild itself after being thrown from their land in a war around the turn of the century. His greatest desire is for a son; his wife produces only daughters, so he forces the last born to live live as a boy. A really authentic telling of the times, but with lots of ghosts and images.

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